
Showing posts from April, 2022

Planning blog-I’m Failing

 I MESSED UP BIG TIME. So in the process of editing the video I deleted the original video on the phone. People are thinking just go into the recent deleted. Well it’s been over 14 days and it’s all gone now. I can’t add new clips cuz it just doesn’t feel right. So I’m hitting a hard reset on everything and now I really think I’m failing. Now on the bright side I have not posted a editing blog yet even though I already planned to. But this is a major let down. I honestly don’t know how to feel about any of this but I have to restart. I know it’s my fault because I was told not to delete anything until I fully finished the project as told my my friend. But my short term said who cares and into the trash bin it went. I really an sad at this point and don’t even know what to talk about. It’s like all my work just got into a mad car accident never to recover again. So now I have half of the scene, no videos I can export, and a title. Fun…

Production Blog-The recover

 Wow it’s been a minute since I wrote one of these. I just have gone through a lot of thing in the last past couple of weeks. I went on this big trip with some friends on collage tours up the country. We saw a lot of new things and it was pretty cool. Anyways production is going pretty good. Nothing bad so far but I would like to add a couple of new things ray I have discovered into the file. Other then that I think it is going good. Again I have gone through a lot of things this week not including my trip. Not of drama and stupid stuff. I really need to focus on this project not by my fsa and finals I think are more important and I have started studying for them. Other than that I would say it’s going ok. Not the best weeks of my life and I’m in pain and writing this at 11:11 pm when it’s about to be the next day so at least I’m getting this out. Also Thais is all on my phone so fun. That’s all for now. Imma go suffer some more tomorrow.