Planning blog-I’m Failing

I MESSED UP BIG TIME. So in the process of editing the video I deleted the original video on the phone. People are thinking just go into the recent deleted. Well it’s been over 14 days and it’s all gone now. I can’t add new clips cuz it just doesn’t feel right. So I’m hitting a hard reset on everything and now I really think I’m failing. Now on the bright side I have not posted a editing blog yet even though I already planned to. But this is a major let down. I honestly don’t know how to feel about any of this but I have to restart. I know it’s my fault because I was told not to delete anything until I fully finished the project as told my my friend. But my short term said who cares and into the trash bin it went. I really an sad at this point and don’t even know what to talk about. It’s like all my work just got into a mad car accident never to recover again. So now I have half of the scene, no videos I can export, and a title. Fun…