Finally The End

 So its been a minute, time has past, we are getting old. Neverminded that. I finally finished my project. Now editing. Well I had a rollercoaster with this one. So one BIG mistake that I did was not making any of the shots lead into each other. Making editing pretty impossible. So I decide to go for the hard route, editing transitions. So with the Whole transition thing I ran into my first problem. iMovie. Now your probably thinking "whets wrong with iMovie". I'm on a Dell laptop so I I get none of the perks. I decide to just put the music in and fix up the shots. Leading into problem number 2. It crashed making me loose all my project. So I hit the power button and closed the laptop. Problem number 3 Is "Free Windowshare Filmora 9" as I thought. I have prior experiences using Filmora WITHOUT the watermark. So I spent exactly 2 hours editing it. One I exported it the watermark appeared. I broke down. This whole ordeal lead into Problem 4. Problem 4 was horrible. I my mom got the the adobe cloud which means I can pretty much access all of the adobe software's. So obviously I get Premier Rush. I don't know how to use it. So i took the 3 hour tutorial to learn it. I learned nothing from it but to drag and cut. So my project my not be the best. 


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