Movie Making In it Beauty

First Scene:

 So it will start with a opening circle transition into 4 squares of a different scenario of this person happening at the same time. Something different is happening in each square. The top left one is normal until the next scene. The top right one has blood coming out of his mouth. the bottom left square has cuts all over his face. And the bottom right one has a dirty bag/sack over his head.

Second Scene:

 In the second scene, It tells the story of what is happening to the person with a bag over his head. He is being held hostage by a person in a mask. Next the person shoots(WITH A FAKE GUN CALM YOURSELF) the hostage (OFF SCRENE) transitioning into the next scene.

Third Scene:

 The Third scene has a person with a ripped shirt and leaves on him running from a person with a mask with a knife and attacks him and stables him with a FAKE knife.

Forth Scene:

 Next scene is a guy walking outside until a random grenade is tossed onto the screen and blows up with will destroy his face making is droop to one side of his face.

Fifth Scene:

In this scene shows a guy skipping with knife in his hand and blood is dripping out of his mouth. Then he stops and looks at the knife. 

Sixth Scene:

In this scene shows what happened to the guy with a bag/ sack on his head. The bag now had blood and dirt on it and 2 holes one on each side from the gun shot. 

Seventh Scene:

The seventh scene has the aftermath of what happened to the guy after the killer caught him. He enters from the left side with a knife sticking out of his head. He will be tripping while he is walking like he is about to fall over.

Eighth Scene:

In this scene the guy who was hit with the grenade falls and starts crawling toward the camera when another one is thrown and before it blows up it cuts to the next scene. 

Ninth Scene:

In the ninth scene it had the guy who had blood dipping gout of his mouth now had a slit throat and its bleeding. He sticks out his hand toward the camera like he is grabbing something. His hand has blood on it. 

Tenth Scene:

In this scene shows the four boxes again but under them is a person laying asleep in their bed. tossing and terming into the next scene.

Eleventh Scene:

In the second to final scene, its will zoom into the persons eye and shows the person with the paper bag start taking it off. 

Twelfth Scene:

In this final scene shows that everyone in the dreams eyes are now truing black and so is the person with the paper bag also. But nevertheless the guy opens his eyes to escape the dream that this whole music video was about. 


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